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Financial Aid

Opportunities for learning in music should not be restricted due to circumstances and we make every effort to keep costs affordable. However, if attending Lake Sylvia would be a hardship for you, please consider applying for a scholarship from the organizations below. We have limited scholarships available through LSFI. Apply here by April 15.


Upper Midwest Flute Association: Provides financial assistance for flute students of all ages and levels including college students and adult students who are permanent residents of the Upper Midwest (defined as Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa, North Dakota, and South Dakota). Application deadline is March 15, 2019 for summer programs.

Suzuki Association of Minnesota: Provides two scholarships to attend a summer institute, alternating years between teachers and students. In 2019, teachers may apply. Deadline is April 9, 2019.

Suzuki Association of the Americas: Provides financial assistance to teachers who have been members for at least 3 months prior to application. Deadline is February 1, 2019.


American Recorder Society: Provides financial assistance to teachers who are members to attend a weekend or week-long workshop may apply for this scholarship. Deadline is March 31, 2019.


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