Dalcroze Workshop
In 2018, Lake Sylvia Flute Institute is thrilled to present a Dalcroze Workshop by Emma Shubin. Ms. Shubin holds a Dalcroze Licensure and Certificate and has years of teaching experience at the Dalcroze School of the Rockies in CO, as well as clinics nationwide. An expert in creating curriculums that integrate music, movement, and the latest research on brain development to challenge any age group, Ms. Shubin is looking forward to sharing her innovative ideas with the Lake Sylvia and greater Twin Cities community. You will leave with new activities and strategies to make your teaching more vibrant, more engaging, more efficient, and help your students deepen their understanding and improve retention once they leave the lesson. This workshop is for all music teachers, whether you are attending other training at Lake Sylvia, give private lessons on any instrument, teach a general music course, or direct a large ensemble. Exact workshop curriculum will be tailored to the needs and experience of those attending. If you've never had the opportunity to explore Dalcroze before, this workshop is the perfect introduction! Those of you with some prior experience in Dalcroze will come away with a great refresher and more new games and ideas to add to your collection.
Dalcroze is a century-old method for translating the abstract concepts of music into the concrete experience of movement. Where dance brings music outwards for an audience, Dalcroze brings it inwards for ourselves in the same way we enjoy tapping our foot to a good march. It promotes self-discovery of everything from high vs low sounds to cadential structures. From the Dalcroze Society of America, "In a Dalcroze class, students are freed from the constraints of formal performance to experience the deep musical knowledge and feeling evoked through movement."
Although you may have heard of Dalcroze Eurythmics (movement of the body through space) there are also two other components to Dalcroze classes, Solfege and Improvisation, each interacting with the other to create a method of embodying all aspects of music. Students might move in response to musical cues such as major vs minor or use simple props like balls or hoops to internalize abstract concepts like relative phrase lengths.
The latest research into how the brain learns confirms that multisensory cues and gross motor motion deepen understanding and create greater permanency. However, not only are Dalcroze concepts effective, they're also adaptable for students of any age and ability and enjoyable for all. Students move, laugh, and try new concepts in a low-pressure, fun environment that gets them excited for more. If you'd like to learn more about Dalcroze, please visit the Dalcroze Society of America or the Dalcroze School of the Rockies.